Who Advertise in Passport?
6-Year history
- Moscow’s leading English language publication launched in 2003.
- 40,000 copies free distribution in 350 outlets in Moscow.
- 80,000 influential readers.
Our Readers
- Our readers are mature English speaking decision makers in government, business and industry, both male and female.
- The are predominantly citizens of the U.S., European Community and Russia.
- They are loyal to the magazine and they make decisions based on its content.
Our Readers in detail
- 65% read every issue
- There is an average of 2 readers per issue
- Total Readership 80,000
- 59% male, 41% female
- Senior Management 43%; Middle Management 14% and Professionals 29%
- 79% are over 30
Our Readers are mature
< 21 6%
21-30 15%
31-50 43%
51< 36% |
Our Readers are influential
Senior M’gment 43%
Mid M’gment 14%
Professional 29%
Home-maker 8%
Student 6% |
38% US Citizens
29% EC Citizens
26% Russian Citizens
7% other foreigners |
They Enjoy Our Unique Coverage
Wine & Dining
Business and Economy
Russia’s Regions
Community Events
Arts and Cultural Programs
Regulations and services affecting expats
Passport is Respected and Influential
Every month our post bag is filled with letters thanking us for our coverage: from charities who have received donations and offers of help, to businessmen who are receiving new orders and many readers who just want to thanks us for many readers who just want to thanks us for bringing a new perspective to their lives in Moscow.
Is it time you joined them?
Our Readers can Afford Your Goods and Services
As you would expect from a mature and influential readership, we deliver an audience who:
- Own real estate, cars and techno equipment
- Invest
- Travel frequently
- Dine in Restaurants several times a week
Our Readers are home owners*
Own |
Considering |
Ap’ment |
36% |
22% |
Dacha |
29% |
7% |
F’gn Car |
35% |
21% |
Digital Camera |
57% |
8% |
Russian Stocks |
8% |
29% |
* Based on a reader survey conducted in September 2006, 114 respondents
Our readers want more
Travel Articles |
64% |
Russian History Articles |
57% |
In Depth Reports on Russian Regions |
36% |
Business Related Articles |
29% |
Investment Articles |
22% |
They are Frequent Travellers
Travel is the second most popular section of the magazine (7.5 rating) after What’s On in Moscow (8 rating)
64% of our readers want MORE travel articles
54% of our readers make four or more international trips a year
40% make 6 or MORE international trips a year! |
Our Readers Frequently Dine Out
- 79% dine out at least once a week
- 57% dine out several times a week
We cover Wine and Dining
Wine Tasting
Restaurant Reviews
Hospitality News
Recipe by a noted chef for readers to make at home |
Advertising Rates
Outside Back |
USD 8400 |
Inside Front |
USD 6400 |
Inside Back |
USD 6400 |
General prices
Full Spread |
USD 8400 |
Full Page |
USD 4800 |
1/2 page Horizontal |
USD 2640 |
1/2 page Vertical |
USD 2640 |
1/3 page Horizontal
1/3 page Vertical |
USD 1680
USD 1680 |
1/4 page Vertical
1/4 page Horizontal |
USD 1320
USD 1320 |
1/8 page Horizontal
1/8 page Vertical |
USD 720
USD 720 |
1/16 page One Block |
USD 400 |
* Discounts available for advertisements taken out in volume under contract.
** Payments made in Rubles at the central bank rate on the date of payment.
Discounts are available as follows:
- 3-5 insertions 5%
- 6-11 insertions 7.5%
- 12 insertions, or more 15%
- 10% for digital artwork delivered by ftp
Covers and special positions, subject to positions, subject to surcharges
Technical Specifications
Full Page |
210 mm (wide) |
297 mm (high) |
Half Page Horizontal |
183 mm |
128 mm |
Half Page Vertical |
89 mm |
257 mm |
Quarter Page Vertical |
89 mm |
128 mm |
Quarter Page Strip Horizontal |
183 mm |
63 mm |
- +5 mm each side for bleed
- EPS (Illustrator)
fonts should be converted to illustrator format ‘curves’
- TIFF Photoshop
Resolution 300 dpi
Colours: Process
(No Spot Colours)
Total In Limit: 320%
Black Ink Limit: 95%