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Contents of issue October 2007

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Passport Picks

Editor’s Choice
Happy Anniversary. Drive Dance Project 2. Portraits by Anatoly Zverev. Jazz Olymp. A Man with a Wand

EU Russia VISA Agreement
Since the Agreement entered into force on the 1st of June, 2007, visa procedures have undergone changes.
People on the Move
Vladimir Pantyushin, Jeremy Oates, John O’Keeffe, Jan Chovanec, Daniel Steinke, Tom Cashel, Dmitri Smolko
Cover Story

Passport Magazine’s Fourth Birthday!
Passport magazine is celebrating its fourth birthday in Moscow this month.
Our Readers
The Medical Professor V. Vigdorchik, The Diplomat Johannes O. S. Manginsela, The Business Leader Geoffrey Cox, The Teacher Victoria Kolosova

This Lady Knows Her Wine
This is a story about dreams.
Rail Travel Getting Old? Just Getting More Advanced!
This year Russian Railways will celebrate its anniversary of 170 years.
Real Estate

One-Stop Luxury in the Center of Moscow
Get your luxury on, Moscow. Downtown is overflowing with places to buy international designer goods.
Has Franchising Finally Arrived in Russia?
I wanted to create a real estate brokerage giant for Russia/CIS.
Real Estate News
Mirax Moves to Turkey...

Brussels the City to Come to Again
Brussels was at best, a city low down on my list of ‘must visit before I die’ places.
Samara’s Central Attraction
Standing beside the Zhigulevski brewery on the banks of the bend in the Volga River you look across to the Zhiguli Mountains, which is one of the most beautiful views in Russia.
The Arts

Soviet Art Before and During the Second World War
In the 1930’s a place of prominence in the world of Soviet art belonged to the book illustrators for Russian, Soviet and foreign classical literature.

Retail News
Harvey Nichols to Open in Moscow?..

Russian French Champagne Shootout
This month’s wine tasting is one of our most interesting...
Dining Out

Juliana Naumenko
Is there a female word for a sheriff oh, I am sorry, for a Chef?
Restaurant Review

Hospitality News
Marriott Grand is 10 Years Old...
Beauty and Loveliness
Bellezza is a lovely restaurant.

Russian White Gold
Those who were at the dinner celebrating the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg were surprised and impressed by the beautiful table settings at the gala event.
A Lesson from the Colonel
“Predictable! That’s what drivers are in my native country”
Shopping for Style
I’ve been in Moscow for a number of years now and I still have a hard time going into a store to shop for clothes.
Black Barbara: A Belarusian Ghost Story
Belarusian history is decorated with many noble lines.
Out and About

English Village Fete
The Moscow Village Fete in September was a great success.
Kinoblender is a Mix of Cinema and Advertising
Movie and blender made a good combination together this September.
Volvo at 80 Years
Some people may say that 80 years is nothing for a business these days but I disagree.
Top Shop at the British Embassy
Why do people like it at the Top?
A New Star Among the Galaxy of Restaurants in Moscow
Oleg Bardyev hosted a lavish party to mark the opening of his new restaurant “Observatory”.
Horse Dressage and Dressing Out
The annual horse dressage competition among the best Russian horse-riders took place in the Otrandnoe horse-sports complex.
Yoga Moves Moscow
Kali Ray, world famous yoga teacher from Malibu, CA, taught a Tri Yoga workshop in Moscow in August.
The Last Word

Jean de Reydet
Can a Businessman Be a Traveler and a Traveler a Happy Man?

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