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Contents of issue February 2008

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Passport Picks

Editor’s Choice
The Game. Jazz+Electro+Lounge? – Gabin! Polo a la Russe. Mariinsky Premiere in Moscow...
Postcard from Belarus

A Long Weekend in Minsk
Why not escape the dirty streets of Moscow in favour of a few days in charming Minsk?
Art History

Drugoe Iskusstvo – Another Art? A Different Art?
The political era of Khrushchev was the second perestroika (renewal) in the Russian history of the 20th century.

Russian Corporate Raiders – Fear No More?
One can hardly describe Russian’s legal system as one that features a Western-style “rule of law.”

St Catherine’s Monastery, Sukhanovo
Three miles south of the MKAD lies the quiet hamlet of Sukhanovo.
Cover Story

Russian Star
Svetlana Khorkhina is called the sex symbol of the artistic gymnastics. It is not by coincidence. Interview for the Passport Magazine.
All We Need is Love…
We all know that we need love, hardly anybody knows what it actually is.
Book Review

Books Review
World Without End – Ken Follet. Becoming Jane

Notes From Underground. Part II: The Red Line
Few human constructions so completely fuse the mundane, workaday world with the exotic and the strange as the Moscow Metro.
Traveling Well or Disordered Abroad?
Millions of people everywhere, but especially Passport magazine readers, spend time travelling.

How far to Ufa?
Ufa greeted me at 5 AM in the morning with darkness, a cold autumnal air and a thin but constant drizzle.
The Warmth of Thailand
Sunshine is the best cure for winter. Thailand’s sunshine is guaranteed and even better.

Return of the King
The Knights of the Vine took another trip to New Zealand at year-end, just before the long Russian holiday.
Restaurant Review

Short Takes
Correa’s on Gasheka. Old Havana. Beavers. Coffee Bean on Leningradsky Prospekt.

Isn’t Boring Weather Boring?
As I write this, we are in the midst of another year of ho-hum winter weather in Moscow.
Fred Goes Shopping
Fred has been watching his grocery checks climb during the past couple of years.
Army Day
The history of the holiday started with the victory of Soviet power in the armed revolt in Petrograd.
Out and About

Moscow Rotarians Enjoy Themselves
Nearly 90 Rotarians and their wives of the German-speaking Rotary Club enjoyed an evening filled with entertainment.
Slavinsky Gallery
At the Millionnaire’s Fair the presentation of new works by Ivan Slavinsky took place.
Lucia at Fashion Week in Moscow – Fashion Trends
Gostiny Dvor gathered many celebrities at Moscow Fashion Week.
Relief from Stress
On the 15th December the opening of the painter Hadji-Murad Alikhanov’s works took place in the Gallery “System” at Gorki-8.
Killing me Softly with the Taste of Money…
What is the smell of success and money? Cigars and jazz, carnival dancers and excellent wine?
Malaysian Students Raise Money for Orphanage
At a December charity concert, the Sechenov Malaysian Student Association presented a check for 125,000 rubles.
Art Manezh
On December 13-17, 2007 Armenian-born painter Hrachya Harutiunian who resides in Moscow, exhibited his paintings at ART MANEZH.
Refugee Children Hosted at Christmas Party
OPORA, an NGO working with refugee children, Russian street children and orphans, held a Christmas celebration in Moscow.
The Last Word

Inguna Penike
Inguna Penike, wife of the Latvian Ambassador, President of the International Women’s Club of Moscow.

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