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Contents of issue October 2004


Living Here

Tragedy Chic Along Tverskoi
This month’s neighborhood tour looks at the passionate poets and romantic dreamers who have occupied Tverskoi Boulevard over the centuries.

A Taste for Adventure
Stefania Zini, the Russian director of Italian furniture-maker SCIC, may have made her fortune “in the kitchen,” but her interests extend a lot further afield.
Beyond the Ring

Rostov Veliky Comes to Life
Come along on our insider’s tour of the Golden Ring’s best-kept secret.
Practical Moscow

Plotting the Ultimate Visa Run
PASSPORT’s exclusive survey of 15 top visa run destinations. Where to go for your next Russian visa and save time, money and headaches.

Behind the Scenes at Russia’s
The story of how one dusty tennis camp in northern Moscow produced Elena Dementyeva, Anastasia Myskina, Anna Kournikova and more of the Russian stars who dominate women’s tennis today.

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