Previews |
World Press Photo Competition
World Press Photo is an annual traveling exhibition following the most prestigious contest in photo-journalism.
‘The Feast of Trimalchio’
‘The Feast of Trimalchio’ by the quartet of AES + F is a monumental piece of art.
Biennale of Young People’s Art
Roman soldiers when on guard duty had to ask all strangers passing by: “Qui vive?”, which means “Who goes there?”
Pompei at the State Historical Museum
As it becomes more and more fashionable, different countries are being celebrated in Moscow year by year.
“We come to remind you that the Earth, the sun, planets and stars are living creatures.“
Mark Riboud vs. Vladimir Lagrange
Both Riboud and Lagrange are famous photographers in their respective home countries, France and Russia.
Culture |
Superstitions II
Show your tongue and beware of the evil eye.
Clubs |
Getting down: up-date
Moscow’s nightlife, oh so extravagant and lavish isn’t it?
Ðóññêèé ÿçûê |
Russian Language
How to: use the internet in Russian. Words Russians use for Internet: èíòåðíåò = èíåò = ñåòü.
Your Moscow |
Park Pobedy and Fili parks
With the long summer evenings, head towards the sunset and help us explore inner Moscow’s green area.
Art |
The 1960s part I
Our retrospective history of the 20th century Russian art has come round to the artists of the 1960s.
Cinema |
The courageous heart of Irena Sendler
The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler is a film about a Polish woman who led a conspiracy that saved the lives of 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto before and during ‘liquidation’ in WWII.
Recipe |
Goumet Moscow
Top and tail a meal into a banquet with these two classy summer dishes to start and complete a feast.
Book Review |
Fish ’n’ Chaps
Why is fishing such an overwhelmingly male occupation?
Travel |
A region that’s trying hard to be a country!
Russian Reflections |
Hitler & Stalin part II
In the summer of 1941, the free world was voting with its wallets for the first 78 rpm record in history to sell a million copies.
It is difficult, even 22 years later, to fully appreciate everything that happened during those 12 long months in 1988.
Alaska part II
In this article, Yury elucidates the terms of the treaty that was signed by the U.S.A. and Russia.
Family |
Holiday Poems
Another new addition to the popular Family Pages.
Puzzles compiled by Ross Hunter
Bridging Time. Timeless Bridge Puzzles. Prime Time. Mini Sudoku – July. June solutions.
Wine |
Winemaker’s evening at Cantinetta Antinori
Antinori is one of the oldest and best-known names in Italian wines with more than 600 years of grapes in the family tree.
Education |
A Day in the Life of an English Teacher
Another day, and just enough time to gulp down some instant porridge before it all begins.
Restaurant Review |
The Tradition of Goose Roasting
Chaine des Rotisseurs is the world’s oldest international gastronomic society.
Columns |
Fred Flintstone
Fred was pretty fed up with seeing the “Session Timeout” message appear on the screen after spending two hours assisting his friend Barney complete an online visa application to Fred’s home country.
Residential Real Estate
Thousands of foreigners arrive in Moscow every day; on business trips, to take up temporary or permanent jobs, for a rest.
Deidre Dare
Expats and Russians alike ask celebrity columnist Deidre Dare questions about life in Moscow.
Legal Line |
Changes to the legal status of foreigners in Russia
On 1 July, 2010 the Federal Law dated 19 May 2010, #86-FZ, “On amendments to the Federal Law ’On the legal status of foreign nationals in the Russian Federation’ and other normative acts of the Russian Federation” will come into force.
Out and About |
Junior Olympic Trials
Moscow hosted the European junior athletics trials in late May, at the Luzhniki complex.
Expat Football League Dinner
The world game is well represented in Moscow, at all levels.
Moscow Regatta
On 20 June, the weekend when the historic Round the Island race was being held off the Isle of Wight, the Club Italiani a Moscow held a more modest but still highly enjoyable regatta on the Klyazma reservoir.
The Asian-Pacific charitable bazaar, Moscow on June 5
Brightly colored silks, foreign sweets and colorful national clothing
The 2010 St Petersburg Economic Forum
This year’s St Petersburg Economic Forum held from June 17-19 was perhaps noticed to a greater extent on the world stage because of who attended than what was said.
Diema’s Dream opens new doors for disabled children
Over 260 guests gathered in GUM’s spectacular Demonstration Hall for the ‘Dreams 2010’ event.
First PASSPORT Seminar for Expats
On June 11th, PASSPORT magazine held its first seminar, at Buddies café on Tverskaya, dedicated to themes relevant to expats living in Russia.