Editor’s Choice |
Coming Up
In January, the Moscow International House of Music initiates an unprecedented musical event: it will host a Christmas Festival of Sacred Music.
Gorgeous Exhibition of Russian Drawings at the Tretyakov
The Tretyakov Gallery has opened its archives to treat us to master drawings of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries.
The Art of War
Samurai: the Art of War is the name of an exhibition and a unique interactive project which has opened in Moscow.
Travel |
Dangerous Places Worth Visiting
Is the world we live in really so dangerous, or are we just falling for western propaganda aimed at scaring you into watching more news and being petrified at leaving the comfort of your own home?
The Way It Was |
1992 started with a new country and new hopes. As the pre-revolutionary Russian tricolour was hoisted above the Kremlin, it seemed that anything was possible.
Hot Spots
1992: A minefield for objective reporting.
Trophy Art
1992: Hunt for painted prisoners of war.
1992: Shock Troops (part 1).
The summer of 1992
It was a summer of smells.
Ðóññêèé ÿçûê |
Russian Lesson
How to rent a flat in Moscow.
The Way It Is |
Icon Writing
For some years now, a group of foreigners has been studying icon drawing, as it is called, in Moscow under the auspices of the Prosopon school.
Speaking in Tongues?
Walk around one of the Moscow markets.
In the Bleak Mid-winter, it’s party time?
How enchanting and alluring it all is!
Real Estate |
Real Estate News
City Hall plans to move offices from the city centre. A provincial developer steps in Well House...
Change-over at the top
Last autumn’s sacking of Moscow’s mayor, Yuri Luzhkov, and his replacement with Sergei Sobyanin is likely to have an impact on the city’s real estate market.
Wine |
National Treasure
The sharp pop from a bottle of Shampanskoye echoes across every almost every home, restaurant and park in Russia at midnight on New Year’s eve, followed by a fizzy pour into any handy container.
Restaurant Review |
More Fish (Peshi)
Luxury restaurants continue to open in Moscow despite generally sparse post-crisis patronage.
Sinatra Restaurant and Piano Bar
Recommendation: A place worth going to, Sinatra is located beyond a small parking lot off Pushkin Square. Located at 5 Bolshoy Putinkovsky pereulok.
Clubs |
New Year Nightlife Renewals
Welcome to another amazing year of unforgettable nightly adventures in Moscow.
Out and About |
A Simple Thing: celebrity brunch at Prostye veshi
Some things are “relativitily” confusing, some things are absolute.
AEB 15th Anniversary
The Association of European Businesses has seen Russia change enormously since 1995, and has itself been one of the major agents of that transformation.
Ireland survives
Despite all the stories of doom and despair on the currency front that have been circulating about Ireland in the last month or two, the Irish Embassy recently held two events.
Estonian Embassy party
On Thursday 9 December, the Estonian Embassy hosted its normal Christmas Party for friends of the tiny, ex-Soviet republic.
St Andrew’s Day Ball
Scotland’s patron saint is popular in Russia—possibly because he is also the patron saint of Russia—and well honoured by his eponymous Society.
Russian Book Fair
Between the 1st and 5th December the 12th International Book Fair was held in the Central House of Artists, or New Tretyakov Gallery, opposite the Park of Rest and Culture in central Moscow.
The Italians are Coming
On Wednesday 1 December the Associazione Italiani a Mosca (ItaM) held its launch meeting in the Renaissance Monarch Hotel on Leningradsky Prospekt.
British Business Club: Christmas Drinks
On Wednesday 15th December the Marriott Aurora Hotel on Petrovka hosted the BBC’s annual Christmas Drinks party.
Overheard in the Starlight Diner
A clean-cut, young-ish American in a suit is telling a friend how much he likes being in Moscow.
IWC Winter Bazaar Breaks All Records
On the 27th of November, the IWC held its 27th Winter bazaar at the Radisson Slavyanskaya. Actually the hotel was taken over by the IWC for the day.
My World |
Bad Carma
It is quite difficult to find a place to park near the Raddisson Slavyansky Hotel.
Dare to ask Dare
Ex-pats and Russians alike ask celebrity columnist Deidre Dare questions about life in Moscow.
Family |
Pileloops’ Festival/ Part III
Peter heard some voices and movement in the bushes behind him. He looked round and perceived a multitude of different colour Pileloops; yellow, red, blue, grey, violet and pink ones.
Out and About |
Puzzle Page
Moscow indoors and Underground. Metro Spaghetti. The average Metro line has 21 stations. In each list, which is the odd one out, and why?
Book Review |
California Preening
Review of Imperial Bedrooms.