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Contents of issue March 2011

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Editor’s Choice

Commemorating Maestro Rostropovich
Four years ago Russia lost one of its most talented musicians — Mstislav Rostropovich.
Festival of Fashion and Style in Photography
Fashion and Style in Photography is the biggest festival of photography in Russia.
Concerts and exhibitions
Bach Festival. Remembering Paul Mauriat. Karim Rashid in Moscow.

Russian International Women’s Day
Dear PASSPORT reader, if you are reading this article, you have found yourself in Russia.
Theatre Review

The Rake’s Progress
Enemies: History of Love. The Inspector General Malaya Bronnaya Theatre.

Parched Pleasures in Namibia
Drinking crisp Windhoek lager at a party in the Namibian Embassy in Moscow was the first real exposure we had to this country so far from Russia.
The Way It Was

1994, The Ugly Truth
Yeltsin had a short time to bathe in glory after his tumultuous victory in 1993.
To Vladivostok on the Trans-Siberian in 1994
So there we were, dumped in Russia in the autumn of 1993 for a year by our respective universities with a basic mandate to ‘learn Russian’.
From Perestroika to Loneliness
Wherever you go in Russia these days, chances are you’ll find more women than men. The fact is that Russian women outnumber men by as much as 10 million.
The Way It Is

Juries in Russia, part II
Last month I looked at the history of juries in general, international terms in order to get some standard of comparison by which to assess the performance of juries in Russia.
Future World Cup Footballists
Russia can now get ready to host the World Cup in 2018.
Real Estate

Moscow’s most expensive rental apartment. 2011 to be a quiet year, says realtor. Energy efficiency regulations to be introduced. Armani denies plans for building a hotel in southern Russia.
Your Place in the Sun
The joys and pleasures of owning a property abroad have long been enjoyed by many Europeans and are now becoming popular in Russia.
Watch Your Back in Real Estate Deals in Moscow
There are always risks of striking a deal that would later be annulled by a court.
Wine & Dining

Stavropol Region Wines
The northern route of the Silk Road crossed Stavropol region long before it joined Russia’s frontier at the foot of the Caucasus mountains.
Restaurant Review

Luce, the New Novikov Restaurant
Independence from Irrelevant Alternatives.
We planned to review La Petite Maison, the Moscow franchise of the revered Provencal establishment in Nice, which also has a trendy operation in London.
Out and About

CERBA Charity Event
On February 3rd, the Vladislav Tretyak Foundation together with the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association (CERBA) held their 10th Jubilee Annual Charity Silent and Live Auction.
IWC Embassies Dinner and Ball
On February 11th the International Women’s Club (IWC) of Moscow held its major annual event, the IWC Embassies Dinner and Ball.
Moscow Dragon’s Valentine’s Ball
The Moscow Dragons rugby club know how to enjoy themselves, on and off the pitch.
AEB Winter Reception and Russian Perspectives’ Breakfast
The splendid Hotel Baltschug Kempinski hosted the Association of European Businesses’ winter reception.
International University Fair
There is an insatiable demand in Moscow for study abroad, and if it is possible, it is growing.
Taking the Measure of Business in Russia
The Association of European Businesses presented a first class review of the Russian economy, at the Marriott Tverskaya, last month.
Sports Page

Sports Update
Another PASSPORT innovation: a regular sports page.
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Russian Lesson
How to enjoy the two best holidays of the year.

Pileloop IV
The Friends are Reunited.
Puzzle page
Armchair art. Fair Square. Hidden Zoo. Mini Sudoku.
Personal Opinion

Deidre Dares
Ex-pats and Russians alike ask celebrity columnist Deidre Dare questions about life in Moscow.
Island Britain
Britain is an island in more than one sense of the word. The establishment is cut off from reality, just as much as the mainland is cut off from Europe.

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