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Contents of issue June 2004


Living Here

Kutuzovsky Prospect
Traditionally one of the most desirable addresses for the capital’s well-heeled and politically-connected residents, Kutuzovsky Prospect boasts grand architecture, theaters, museums, fine dining, and some of the best shopping in the city.

Puttin’ on the Hits
When Californian Paul Heth came to Moscow "looking for a little adventure" a decade ago, he had no idea that one day he’d be widely regarded as the person most responsible for turning around the sagging Russian movie theater industry.
Beyond the Ring

Armenian Dawn
After a decade of war and economic crisis, Armenia stands on the verge of renewal. It also has plenty of sights, sounds, and tastes for the adventurous traveler.
The Arts

Lights, Camera, Action
The Russian film industry is undergoing a major transformation as the old guard reluctantly makes way for a new generation of innovative and talented filmmakers. We interviewed the key players and took a behind-the-scenes tour of Mosfilm, the country’s largest studio.

The Lada "Revolution"
You’re not likely to see Michael Schumacher trading in his Ferrari for a new Lada Revolution any time soon, but with the introduction of its sleek new racing car, Russia’s largest auto manufacturer may finally be turning a corner.

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