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Legal Briefs Don’t Burn: Law Firm’s Summer Block Party at Bulgakov House

We all know that Moscow can be an unwelcoming, impersonal place. In an attempt to increase the intimacy of life in their own little corner of Gotham, on June 5th the law firm of Hellevig, Klein & Usov held its first annual Summer Block Party for their office building, located at 10 Bolshaya Sadovaya. According to party organizers, “These types of events give co-tenants a great opportunity to network and the perfect chance to party.” Food offered at the event included traditional American fare like homemade apple pie as well as more newfangled eats like sushi rolls. The Russian flavor was provided by the premises themselves: Mikhail Bulgakov lived for a time in the building, which makes an appearance in his novel The Master and Margarita. Woland couldn’t make it, but some attendees reported seeing Margarita on her broomstick in the sky above the Garden Ring. Guests departed confi dent that their next chance meeting with a neighbor in the elevator would be a little warmer and friendlier.

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