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Charity Event: “Children of Russia to Children of Japan”
Marina Lukanina

There could not be a better day chosen for this event than the International Day of Children. On June 1st a heartwarming charity event was held at the Ruben Simonov Theater “Children of Russia to Children of Japan”. The purpose was to raise money to support Japanese children who lost their parents during the devastating earthquake that hit Japan on March 11, 2011. The organizers of the evening were: Vlad Demchenko (Ruben Simonov Theatre), Svetlana Konegen (TV reporter, critic and member of the Green Party, International Academy of Kindness, White Cloud Theatre in cooperation with the Moscow City Professional Union of Culture Workers, the Ruben Simonov Theatre, “Orthodox. Army.Motherland” Fund.

The diverse entertaining programme was planned for the attendees: the excerpt from the mono-play based on the novel of the Japanese writer Yukio Misima, The Confession of the Mask, ballet dance by the Japanese dancer Morikhiro Ivata, the painting auction of Grigori Potoski (whose paintings are part of Charles Aznavour’s and Gérard Depardieu’s collections). The famous Russian singer, Yulia Chicherina sang a couple of her hit songs. During the intermission the guests were offered a delicious drink reception.

All the proceeds were given to Keidzi Ide, the deputy head of the Japanese diplomatic mission in Russia. Natalia Belokhostikova, popular Russian actress, handed the check to the Japanese representative, together with her son Kirill.

“We are honored to give this check on the International Children’s Day to help the Japanese children,” she said. “The Japanese are courageous and strong people and I am sure they will be able to handle this disaster. We need to support their wonderful children who will have to develop this country. Let’s all remember that our planet is small and we all live close by and our children are the most precious of what we have in this life”.

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