Puzzle page
Compiled by Ross Hunter
Summer holiday relaxation
Moscow is full of green places. Have you been to them all yet?
Here are seven of Moscow’s great parks, and six photos.
Which is which? Which one has been missed?
The Botanical Gardens (North)
Ismailova Park (North East)
Kuskovo (East)
Kolomenskaya (South) |
Mandelstam Park (SW, Frunzenskaya)
Park Pobedy (West)
Serebryanny Bor (North West) |
Around Moscow word search
Can you find at least 26 places, formal/famous names, familiar names, Russian words, common nouns and people? Hint: every square is used, except the Red Square, which is next to the Kremlin.
Summer word pairs
Match each Russian word to its partner or opposite
Bereg - Sever - Gorod - Zagar
Paysage - Solnitsye - Plage - Yug
Mini Sudoku July
Usual rules: 1-6 in each row, column and box.
Answers to June puzzles
(l to r) Oak, birch, ash, beech, willow
Fagus is beech in Latin, Quercus is oak, Salix is willow, Ilex is holly and Acer is sycamore.
Avian footprints
(l to r) Eagle, crow, duck, penguin, gull
Word Search: 23 birds and animals to find
Across: hornbeam bat willow rowan owl birch ash larch.
Down: sparrow crow owl tit bullfinch rook owl beech.
Up: gull, cat. Diagonal: fir chaffinch pigeon cat fir.
Mini Sudoku solutions: see www.englishedmoscow.com