UK Prime Minister in Moscow
David Cameron has started the overdue and difficult process of rebuilding relations with Russia. His first friendly meeting with President Medvedev was followed by a stiffly formal encounter with Prime Minister Putin, while British captains of industry hawked their wares. Of greater interest to the ordinary citizen was a speech given to the students at Moscow State University, earlier in the day. The hall was packed, sadly with hordes of hackneyed journalists and semi-VIPs, while hundreds of enthusiastic students were crammed in the corridors outside. The PM’s speech was necessarily bland, prior to key closet Kremlin chat, but the students were enthusiastic. Question topics ranged from disarmament difficulties to visa headaches, by way of great societies and career choices. And then the vast cavalcade raced off to the next photo opp. The entourage filled a whole BA jet, and were in Moscow for under 24 hours. A curious spectacle.