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Moscow Dragons’ RFC Valentine’s Ball

There are a lot of balls in Moscow, and they are in full swing. The Dragons proudly host one of the biggest and bounciest, and in celebration of the club’s fifteenth year, 2012’s event was the most popular yet. The Renaissance Monarch hotel near Dinamo now has a near monopoly of the grand events, with an unrivalled capacity, and great facilities. Speaking of unrivalled capacity, the Dragons and their guests exercised the kind generosity of the sponsors, a point of principle. From the delights of a superb menu to the terrors of the infamous Dragons’ punishment tequila, via auctions and raffles to the thronging and throbbing dance floor, a grand night was had by all.

Bidders dug deep to snap up some great prizes, and The Centre for Curative Pedagogics saw their children’s resources enhanced impressively. PASSPORT readers will be familiar with the massive efforts needed, and invested, in improving the poor deal offered to children with special needs, and this year’s beneficiary was a popular and deserving choice.

Back to the action. The hard working committee put on a great show. The Dragons’ appetites are famously insatiable... for players as well as fun. Join them, and have fun playing your part:

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