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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Performing Arts

Editor’s Choice
By Marina Sinitsyna

Slava Polunin’s Snowshow

The stage and the aisles are covered with snow, that white, fluffy stuff you no longer often find in Moscow. A clown in a shapeless yellow gown and furry red slippers walks out. He is funny and very touching at the same time. This slightly melancholic character is reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin, or of Federico Fellini’s Clowns. He transports the audience into a world of pure emotions, an inexplicable joy that was called by The Times “A thing of rare theatrical beauty.”

Editor’s comment: Perhaps he was the clown who stole the snow from Moscow
January 26, 30 and 31 at 19:30;
January 27 and 28 at 19:00
Operetta Theatre

Konstantin Scherbakov
Rachmaninov 24 Preludes

Music critics often call him the ‘Rachmaninov of today.’ His virtuosity and grace together with a razor-sharp technique, and an interest in works previously considered unplayable have brought him world fame and an array of prizes at prestigious international competitions. Mostly acclaimed for his performance of Liszt’s transcriptions of the Beethoven symphonies, Konstantin Scherbakov has a simply staggering repertoire that covers all piano concertos by Tchaikovsky, Scriabin, Rachmaninov, Medtner and Respighi; and these composers are only a small part of the whole list. For his only concert in Moscow, Scherbakov has prepared the Rachmaninov 24 Preludes.

Editor’s comment: To listen is to be in the presence of genius
January 28, 19:00
Moscow International Performing Arts Centre

Besh o droM

In the Gypsy language or, to be precise, in the lovari dialect, the name of this Hungarian band means “ride the road.” In a less literal sense it stands for “follow your path” and that’s exactly what these 10 musicians are doing. Into their travel bag go Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Jewish, Transylvanian, Afghan, Egyptian, Lebanese and Armenian tunes, all tied together with sweeping gypsy rhythms and unconstrained jazz improvisation. Founded in 1999, Besh o droM quickly gained loyal followers both at home and abroad. Wherever they go, their concerts are invariably accompanied by joyous exuberance and an unstoppable stamping of feet, since it is virtually impossible to sit still to this music of such exceptional drive and colour.

Editor’s comment: Enough colour and thrills to see you through to the end of January
January 27, 19:00,
Moscow International Performing Art Centre






Giuseppe Verdi La traviata

La traviata is the second opera premiere to be staged in the newly-reconstructed Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theatre. Perhaps premiere is an exaggeration, as the theatre has been touring with this performance for almost two years. This staging of the ever-popular Verdi opera is extremely bold for Moscow classical theatre; what with the erotic show dancers in one of the scenes, and the scenery itself, designed by Vladimir Arefiev, which represents glass cubes surrounding the stage with petals floating inside. You can either compliment the theatre for this innovative staging or join the crowd of those who criticize it for the very same reason. Whatever, La traviata deserves your attention for the mere fact of Khibla Gerzmava playing the role of the Parisian courtesan. She managed to find a special tone for this part, and her Violetta is full of drama and energy, far removed from the languishing “lady of the camelias.”

Editor’s comment: A bright spot in January in Moscow
January 10 and 21, 19:00
Stanislavsky and Nemirovicha-Danchenko Theatre



State Academic Ensemble of Folk Dance under the direction of Igor Moiseyev

On February 10, 1937 the first ensemble of folk dance in the history of the USS R had its first rehearsal. Starting from scratch, Igor Moiseyev single-handedly created a tradition and a myth (the myth that everybody was always singing and dancing in the USSR). His first dancers came from very different backgrounds – some were peasants, others had been dancing ballet for quite some time. This blending of bold folk vivacity with a refined yet slightly dry academic dance gave birth to what is now referred to as the “Moiseyev Style”. The geography of the ensemble’s repertoire is more than stunning – some 300 national dances collected in almost 70 years of its existence. Igor Moiseyev, whose 101st birthday is one of the reasons for this concert at the Kremlin, says that for him national dance is “Silent poetry, visual song, a guarding of part of the national soul, an emotional, poetic chronicle of the nation.”

Editor’s comment: Try not to jump about too much in your seat
January 21, 18:00
State Kremlin Palace






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