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Ðóññêèé ßçûê

How to say ‘Happy New Year!’

It may sound strange to an English speaker to wish someone “With New Year!” but it makes more sense to know that the word ‘Ïîçäðàâëÿþ…’ (Congratulations…) is missing but understood. Likewise in these other phrases of goodwill:

To wish someone a happy holiday:

Ñ íîâûì ãîäîì, ñ íîâûì ñ÷àñòüåì! - Happy New Year and all the best!

Ñ ðîæäåñòâîì! – Merry Christmas!

Ñ âîñüìûì ìàðòà! –Happy International Women’s day!

Or congratulate on a special date:

Ñ ïåðâûì ñíåãîì! – Congratulations on first snow!

Ñ íà÷àëîì ó÷åáíîãî ãîäà! – Congratulations on the beginning of the academic year!

Ñ ïåðâûì äí¸ì âåñíû! – Congratulations on the first day of spring! (which is the 1st March)

Or a personal event:

Ñ äí¸ì ðîæäåíèÿ! – on your birthday (Happy Birthday)

Ñ íîâîðîæäåííûì! – on the birth of your child

Ñ íîâîñåëüåì! – on your move.

Ñ âîçâðàùåíèåì! – on your return (after holiday etc.)

Ñ ë¸ãêèì ïàðîì! – on light steam! i.e. after a banya, or sometimes even a shower.

Many of the above are followed by a stream of general good wishes:

Æåëàþ… ( I wish you… + genitive)

…ñ÷àñòüÿ - happiness

…ëþáâè - love

…çäîðîâüÿ - health

…äåíåã – wealth

…óñïåõà - success

…âñåãî òîãî, ÷åãî òû ñàì ñåáå æåëàåøü! – everything that you wish for yourself

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