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SOS Children’s Villages’ Christmas Tree

On December 1, 2006, the Christmas Tree opening ceremony, devoted to the charity for children from SOS Children’s Village Lavrovo, was held in the Swissotel Krasnye Holmy.

Children from Lavrovo came to the Swissotel and were greeted by Santa Claus and the chorus “Cantilena” from the School of Art by Diaghilev. The children had a lot of fun playing amusing games with Santa Ñlaus and later were invited to enjoy a festive dinner in the cafe.

The Swissotel Krasnye Holmy Moscow supports children from the charity SOS Children Villages all over Russia. This time the hotel appealed to people to become a special “SOS Santa Claus” and make the children’s Christmas wishes come true. The hotel wishes to thank all of the people who so kindly contributed to the success of this charitable event.



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