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A Chelsea Football Club. Football in Moscow

The American non-profit organisation “Kidsave” held its 4th annual charitable evening “Be With Me,” on November 18th 2006 at the Petrovsky Hall in the Moscow Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel. These fundraising charitable events are held annually in Russia, USA and Colombia. In Russia “Kidsave” has been working since 2001, and organizes various programmes for orphans in Moscow, St Petersburg, Smolensk and Ujno-Skhalinsk.

This gala evening was very successful thanks to the efforts of the organising committee: Keith Bayer, Ludmila Forsman, Michelle Griffith, Natasha O'Brien, Lada Muir, Elena Solomentseva, Dmitry Besedovsky. The evening got started with a ‘silent’ auction. More than 30 lots were presented (including dinner at the Metropol Hotel restaurant, a signed Chelsea Football Club football and a sculpture by Zurab Tsereteli).

The sponsors who have been supporting “Kidsave” for several years now, are Deloitte, Coca- Cola, AIG Life, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Shell. The Russian companies Renaissance Capital, Troika Dialog Group and Will-Bill-Dann have kindly sponsored this event for the first time.

Big support was also received from Rockwell East Star, Le Boeuf, TNK-BP, Akin Gump, Mary Kay, Farina Melwani and the Mosier Family, ExxonMobil Russia, Inc. and Toyota.

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