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Regards from Shaoling

As Russia has announced year 2007 a Year of Chinese Culture, it is of no surprise that news, museums, music halls and theaters are full of events “made in China”. This time the Theater of Russian Army hosts a highly-praised show – “Chun I: Kung Fu Legend”. It is said to be a unique theater performance: for the first time ever Kung Fu techniques are combined with ballet, circus and modern dance. The story tells about a little boy who arrives in Shoaling to become a monk in the Kung Fu tradition. He gets the name of Chun I – "pure", and over time attains mastery of the art of life: remains steady and unshakable in the face of any challenge.
“Chun I: Kung Fu Legend”
Theater of the Russian Army
Suvorovskaya Ploschad, 2
M. Novoslobodskaya
19:00 2-5 July
The art director Han Lisun recreates the spacious and colorful scenery of the Shoaling monastery which gets even more impressive during the show due to the dynamic light and sound effects. The performing group consists of about 65 people from more than 13 provinces of China. All of them are masters of Kung Fu as well as professional dancers and acrobats. Most had to undergo theater training to get their place in the show. The first performance took place in 2004 and was a great success.



Russian Romance

Oleg Pogudin is a big star of Russian classical romance. He is referred to as the “Silver Voice of Russia”. All the critics praise his excellent taste in the choice of material, deep understanding of the songs he performs, and the complexity, diversity and yet unity of his concert programs. Most admire his respect and warm attitude to the audience. Outstanding vocal abilities allow Oleg to perform any music, but he chose to concentrate on one. “Romance is my reference point in the world of music. It is my home. I live in this genre, I am its citizen. If I do any other type of work, it is still under it’s ‘flag': whether it is songs by Vertinsky, military, tango or anything else. For me it is still a romance, but performed, let’s say, in a manner of French chanson”, he says. He never applies any special effects during his performance – everything is classically simple: black smoking jacket and an acoustic guitar. Yet, it creates such an intimate feeling with the audience that many have tears in eyes and chills up their body.
Estrada Theater
Bersenevskaya naberejnaya, 20/2
M. Borovitskaya, Polyanka
18 July 19:00
Since his first concert (back in 1987) he has been performing in the largest concert halls all over the world. Now he also actively participates in TV and radio programs (including BBC).




Kryliya” (Wings) is an eagerly awaited summer event for Russian music lovers. Eight years ago it started as a one day festival of contemporary Russian rock music. Now it is not only a grand festival in Moscow, but the largest open-air event in Russia. The number of the participants grows each year, as well as the time frame. For two days the audience has a chance to enjoy more than 50 music bands of various music styles (rock, alternative, ska, reggae, folk, rap, electronic music, etc). Its usual venue is located at Aerodrome Tushino, which obviously has many advantages to offer. First of all it has enough space for all wanting to come and a soft grassy surface welcoming you to sit down while enjoying the music. Besides, particular attention is always paid to the location of the stage, audio and video equipment.
Aerodrome Tushino
M. Tushinskaya, Planernaya,
Shuttle bus to the Aerodrome
21-22 July starts 10:00.
At least five huge screens are installed so that the performance can be seen and heard from every point. If you are interested to see something very Russian – this is the place. The organizers promise thousands of guards to secure safety. A note of caution – do not romanticize the event. Part of the experience will be garbage everywhere, lots of beer consumed (if not something stronger), crowds and huge queues to the bio-toilets... not as clean as in Europe.

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