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Knights of the Vine RUSSIA

Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: Bosco


Address: 3 Red Square, GUM, 1st floor
Metro: Okhotny Ryad
Phone: 929 3182/3139


Average cost: $50-100
Cuisine: Italian
Services: English-language menu

Italian menu with good selection of wines. Pleasant spot to relax with coffee and dessert. 11am-11pm.

The Red Square location says it all. The Bosco restaurant is perfect: Italian gracefulness with a practical and elegant interior, attentive waiters, impressive menu and sensational view of the Red Square. The atmosphere reminds of ancient times when people were in no rush traveling by carriages on the Red Square. The restaurant blends Russian noblesse and excellent Italian cuisine. The Red Square was, is and will be the main attraction of the Russian capital and it puts Bosco out of time and out of fashion eternally.

Bill: $$$$

Service: *****


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