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Moscow restaurant guide

Restaurant: El Gaucho


Address: B. Kozlovsky Per. 3
Metro: Krasniye Vorota
Phone: (495) 623-1098


Average cost: $15-30


El Gaucho is a little corner of far-flung Argentina in Moscow. The branch at Paveletskaya has flamboyant decor, lively music and waiters in national costume, creating a distinctive atmosphere of the life off the beaten track of Argentine gaucho cowboys. The interior on Krasniye Voroty is more restrained and the one at Mayakovskaya is sophisticated and classical, but the main player in all branches is the meat. Esconced in one of the halls you can fill up on traditional dishes: Angus and Churasco steak, Caballero and Asado ribs, and enjoy the best Argentine wines.


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