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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

1001 Nights Profsoyuznaya 14/7 Profsoyuznaya Ul. 125 4635
Asian cuisine with oriental background music. Bellydance shows and hookah available. Noon - midnight.
Academ-club Leninsky Prospekt 32à Leninskii Prospekt 938 5775, 938 5865 (for reservations)
Restaurant on the 22nd floor, with an excellent view of the city. Mon-Fri: 1pm-4am; Sat-Sun: 4pm-6am.
Achuchuk Chaikhana Kitay-Gorod 5 Ul. Pokrovka 973 9357
This is a summer terrace of the "Khodzha Nasreddin v Khive" restaurant. It offers a smaller menu, lesser prices, and is situated on the opposite side of the street from the main restaurant.
Art Chaikhona Pushkinskaya 11/13 Trehprudny Per. 299 1406
Business lunch 11am-4pm for 250 rubles. Noon - 11pm.
B2 Mayakovskaya 8 Bolshaya Sadovaya 209 9909/18
5-floor restaurant/club. European, Russian and Uzbek cuisine. 12pm – 6am.
Bakhor Marksistskaya 12 Tovarishcheskii Per. 911 0116/7181
35% discount for kids under 10. Noon-last guest.
Barbaris Belorusskaya 40/3 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya St. 250 1131, 250 2862
Live piano music from 7:30-9:30 every evening. Open noon-11pm.
Barhan Ploshchad Revolyutsii 3 Red Square (Krasnaya Ploshchad’) 788 4200
11am-last guest.
Beloye Solntse Pustyni Tsvetnoi Bulvar 29 Neglinnaya Ul. 209 7525
Uzbek-Arab cuisine featuring laghman, manty and homemade fruit jams. Belly dancing and live music after 8pm. Noon-3am.
Café ’Barbaris’ Mayakovskaya 40/3 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya 250 1131
Tadzhik, Uzbek, and European cuisine. Music program on some evenings.Noon – midnight.
Chaikhana Kishmish Arbatskaya 28 Novy Arbat
Chain cafe featuring traditional and inexpensive Uzbek cuisine. Specialty is the Uzbek pilaf. Average bill for one person is $15. 11am- 1am.
Chaikhana Kishmish Ulitsa 1905 Goda 4 building, 2 1905 year st.3
Chain cafe featuring traditional and inexpensive Uzbek cuisine. Specialty is the Uzbek pilaf. Average bill for one person is $15. 11am- 1am.
Chaikhana Kishmish Barrikadnaya 8 building, 9 Barricadnaja st.
Chain cafe featuring traditional and inexpensive Uzbek cuisine. Specialty is the Uzbek pilaf. Average bill for one person is $15. 11am- 1am.
Chaikhana Kishmish Tyoply Stan MKAD 21km, Mega-center
Chain cafe featuring traditional and inexpensive Uzbek cuisine. Specialty is the Uzbek pilaf. Average bill for one person is $15. 11am- 1am.
Chaikhana Kishmish Universitet 3/8 Leninskij pr.
Chain cafe featuring traditional and inexpensive Uzbek cuisine. Specialty is the Uzbek pilaf. Average bill for one person is $15. 11am- 1am.
Chaikhona n. 1 Oktyabrskaya Gorky Park, 9 Krymsky Val Ul., Bldg. 38 778-1756
Foodrow (Sytnyi Ryad) Vykhino 47 Lenina St. 508 8435/36
Reservations required. Restaurant with discotheque and striptease shows. Open 24 hours.
Garem (Harem) Ulitsa 1905 Goda 14à Krasnopresnenskaya Nab. 256 0691
Traditional Caucasian, Uzbek, and Mediterranean dishes. Wide variety of Eastern sweets. Bellydance performances. Hookah available. Open from noon-last guest.
Inzhir Mayakovskaya 13 Tverskaya-Yamskaya Ul. 608-2048
Kísh-Mish Ulitsa 1905 Goda 28 Novyi Arbat, building 2 291 2010

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