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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Bon Polyanka 4/4 Yakimanskaya Nab., Bldg 1 737-8008
An Italian restaurant decorated in the style of a Catholic church. The wine list is wide-ranging.
Observatoire Polyanka 22 Bolshaya Yakimanka, bldg. 3 (495) 643-3606
Located at the entrance to the glitzy Copernic building, which faces the President Hotel from the north.
Offshore Polyanka Bolotnaya Nab., Tretyakovsky Most. 743-9923
Suliko Polyanka 42/2 Bol. Polyanka 238 2888/1027
Three elegant dining rooms serving over 120 Georgian specialties. Noon-midnight.
T-Bone Polyanka Pyatnitskaya Ul. 52, bldg. 2 (495) 953-0225
Three restaurants in the same style with wide-striped wallpaper and light and dark leather armchairs, overall stylish and not too brutal. Steaks of Australian corn-fed beef cooked on birch coals. Non-midnight.
Yellow Sea Polyanka 27 Bolshaya Polyanka 953 9634
Asian-European cuisine with a separate oyster menu. Extensive wine list. Popular with a young crowd. Noon-last guest.
Zolotoye Morye Polyanka 27 Bol. Polyanka Ul. 953-9634

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