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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Borgo Tverskaya 12/9 Spiridonevsky per. 730 5600
Excellent albeit pricey modern Italian a short walk from Patriarch’s Ponds. Noon-midnight.
Boroda (The Beard) Kropotkinskaya 1/2 Prechistenka 202 2091
Russian and European cuisine. Kashas and pancakes, rasstegai-pies and kulebyaka-pies cooked with original Russian recipes. "Kundums," or Russian fried dumplings, are recommended. 11am – latest customer.
Borsalino Taganskaya 29 Nizhegorodskaya St. 278 1051
Breakfast from 8am-10am for 60 rubles. Business lunch from noon-3pm for 110 rubles. Open from noon-11pm; noon-11:30pm on Saturdays.
Bosco Okhotny Ryad 3 Red Square, GUM, 1st floor 929 3182/3139
Italian menu with good selection of wines. Pleasant spot to relax with coffee and dessert. 11am-11pm.
Bosco Cafe Okhotny Ryad 3 Red Square 620 3182
The restaurant presents sophisticated menu that runs from Russian staples to sushi and salads.
Bosfor Smolenskaya 47/23 Stary Arbat St. (Old Arbat St.) 241 9320, 3205
Resaurant/bar. Open 11am-midnight.
Bosfor Novoslobodskaya 67/69 Novoslobodskaya St. 978 7441
Restaurant/cafe. Live music. Bellydance shows. Karaoke.
Bosnia Kashirskaya Korpus 1, 1 M. Yushunskaya St. (2nd floor of business center on Kahovka) 319 8398
Botanicheskii Sad "Aptekarskii Ogorod" Prospekt Mira 26 Prospekt Mira
Botanik Prospekt Mira Building 5, 26 Grokholskii Per. 937 8825
Restaurant/bar/club with discotheque. Salad bar and buffet available.
Botik Petra Belorusskaya 45 Lesnaya St. 973 3739/3743
Large selection of seafood and Mediterranean dishes. Open noon-midnight.
Bouillabaisse Leninsky Prospekt 37 Leninskyi bulvar 37 Leninskyi bulvar
Marseilles in its Moscow presentation! Bouillabaisse is a traditional Marseilles dish served in two stages.
Boulevard Chekhovskaya 30/7 Petrovka Ul. 209 6887
French chef preparing an eclectic menu, with includes authentic Bouillabaisse Marseillaise. Noon-last diner.
Bow-Ball Belorusskaya 2, 3rd Yamskogo Polya St. 257 6834/0048
Business lunch from 1-5pm for 120 rubles. Weekday bowling from noon-5pm for 325 rubles/hour, from 5pm-5am for 650 rubles/hour. Bowling on weekends for 488 rubles/hour from noon-2pm, and for 780 rubles/hour from 2pm-5am. Open noon-5am.
Boyarskii Okhotny Ryad 1/4 Teatralny Proezd, hotel "Metropol," 4th floor 927 6063/00
Open from 7pm-midnight.
Braiton Dynamo 29 Petrovsko-Razumovskii Proezd 214 9332/9511, 213 3353
Open noon-midnight.
Breeze/New Fish Restaurant Ulitsa 1905 Goda 12 A Krasnopresnenskaya Nab. 255 9310
Business lunch from noon-5pm on weekdays. Casino with karaoke. Male and female striptease. Open 24 hours.
Brennigan’s Rechnoy Vokzal Sheremetyevo-2, hotel "Novotel" 926 5900
Restaurant/club with female striptease shows and American billards. Open from 11am-6am.
Bridge Club Tulskaya 14 Serpukhovskii Val St. 954 0303, 952 8117
Restaurant/club. Open 24 hours.
Bridge Club Ulitsa 1905 Goda 5 Strelbishchenskii Per. 256 0892/0897
Open from noon-11pm.

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