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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Black & White Novoslobodskaya 16 Krasnoproletarskaya St. 542 0252
Bolshaya Spasskaya Sukharevskaya Building 1a, 8 Bolshaya Spasskaya St. 280 3005
Business lunch from noon-5pm for 75-125 rubles. Live music daily after 6pm. Open 11am-last guest.
Bolshie Gonki Rechnoy Vokzal 12 Levoberezhnaya St., "Soyuz" 234 0601
Breakfast and buffet available. Open 7:30am-11:30pm.
Bolshoi Okhotny Ryad Ulitsa Petrovka 3/6 (495) 789-8652,ru/
Boroda (The Beard) Kropotkinskaya 1/2 Prechistenka 202 2091
Russian and European cuisine. Kashas and pancakes, rasstegai-pies and kulebyaka-pies cooked with original Russian recipes. "Kundums," or Russian fried dumplings, are recommended. 11am – latest customer.
Breeze/New Fish Restaurant Ulitsa 1905 Goda 12 A Krasnopresnenskaya Nab. 255 9310
Business lunch from noon-5pm on weekdays. Casino with karaoke. Male and female striptease. Open 24 hours.
Brussels Catering Turgenevskaya 17/1 Myasnitskaya St. 722 7333
Catering service. Reservations required (6-7 days before event). Open Mon-Fri: 9:30am-11pm; Sat-Sun: 11am-6pm. Price varies.
Bubliki Pushkinskaya 29/14 Neglinnaya St. 200 2625
25% discount from 6am-11am. Open 24 hours.
Business Cafe Shchukinskaya 16 Parshina St. 544 7876
Business lunch from 11am-6pm for 90-150 rubles. Mon-Fri: 11am-5:30pm.
C’est a Moi Pervomayskaya 15 Srednaya Pervomaiskaya St. 465 2195
Business lunch from noon-4pm for 180 rubles. Fitness menu available. Hours: 9am-11pm.
Caesar’s Palace Kurskaya 50 Zemlyanoi Val St. 916 6781/82
Restaurant/bar/club with striptease shows. Hours: Striptease bar: 10pm-5am; Night club: Tues-Sun: 10pm-5am; Restaurant: Mon-Sat: noon-6am.
Café - tea-house ’Khurma’ Tsvetnoi Bulvar 1/15 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya 207 3163, 207 7816
Azerbaijani, European, and Russian cuisine. Fragrant dishes composed of high quality meat. Live music including belly-dancing from Thursday until Saturday. Open 24 hours.
Cafe Fresh Baumanskaya 2/38 Dobroslobodskaya St. 933 4252
Happy hours from 5pm-11pm with 20% discount. Business lunch from noon-5pm for 150 rubles. Hours: Mon: noon - midnight; Tue-Fri: noon - 6am; Sat: 11pm - 6am.
Cafe Margarita Pushkinskaya 28 Malaya Bronnaya St. 299 6534
Cafe themed after Bulgakov's beloved novel "Master and Margarita," located across the street from Patriarch's Ponds. Very lively in the evenings, when folk bands play. Dinner reservations recommended. Noon - midnight.
Cafe Pushkin Pushkinskaya 26a Tverskoi Bulvar, 1st floor 629 5590/ 9411
Noon - midnight.
Cafe Roset Kutuzovskaya Kutuzovsky Prospekt 29 249-9040
Open at 9 a.m. In summer,there is a pleasant rooftop terrace.
CDL club-restaurant Barrikadnaya Povarskaya St., 50 691-15-15, 691-72-73
Opening hours: 12.00 – 24.00
Centaur Vodny Stadion bld. 17, 58 Leningradskoe shosse 459 9858
Art cafe (with business lunches), restaurant and night club. Popular Russian and European cuisine. 6pm till 5am, cafe –11am till 11pm
Chemodan (Suitcase) Arbatskaya Gogol Boulevard, Building 25, page 1 (495) 695-3819
12 am – 12 pm.

[1-20]  [21-40]  [41-60]  [61-80]  [81-100]  [101-120]  [121-140]  [141-160]  [161-180]  [181-200]  [201-220]  [221-228] 

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