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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Donna Clara Pushkinskaya 21/13 Malaya Bronnaya Ul. 290 3848
Cozy European-style cafe with a good selection of desserts. Noon-11pm.
Dorian Gray Kitay-Gorod 6/1 Kadashevskaya nab. 238 6401
Sophisticated take on traditional Italian cuisine. Great Kremlin view. Noon-1am.
Doucet X.O. Barrikadnaya 31 Novinsky boulevard, Trading Center ’Novinsky’ 788 5404
French and European cuisine. Excellent confectionary. Creative and delicious entrees. More expensive ($30-50 average cost). 9am – latest customer.
Doug and Marty’s Boar House Kurskaya 26 Zemlyanoi Val 917 0150
American cuisine. Large expat crowd. Decent food. Good ribs. Noon – 9am.
Drevny Kitai Okhotny Ryad 5/6 Kamergersky per. Bldg.4 292 2900
Broad range of Chinese dishes in traditional restaurant setting. Tea ceremonies. Noon-midnight.
It is possible to eat here so much that if you have reserve stomach space you don’t have to eat at all for three weeks afterwards.
Druzhba Novoslobodskaya 4 Novoslobodskaya Ul. 973 12 34
Reputedly the most authentic Chinese restaurant in town, with an extensive menu ranging from the exotic (ears, offal and trotters) to the more usual meat and noodle dishes. 10.30am-11pm.
Dukhan Alaverdy Belorusskaya 23-25/2 Gruzinsky Val. 973 8477
Traditional Georgian country-style cuisine and decor. Known for its unique wine list. Live music after 8pm. 11am-midnight.
Duplet Medvedkovo 24B Shirokaya 478 9995
Russian and mixed cuisine. Friendly and comfortable atmosphere. Noon – latest customer.
Durdin Sokol 80 Leningradsky Pr. 780 5435
Authentic Russian beer brewed on the premises according to ancient recipes. 7 dining areas modeled after a brewery. Noon-midnight.
Dymov No. 1 Pushkinskaya 6 M. Dmitrovka ul. 699 0770
It is a new project of a sausage producer mogul and a fancy restaurateur.
Dymov No. 1 Novokuznetskaya 34 Sofiyskaya nab. 951 7571
It is a new project of a sausage producer mogul and a fancy restaurateur.
Dzhagannat Kuznetsky Most 11 Ul. Kuznetsky Most 928 3580
Non-smoking restaurant serving vegetarian Indian cuisine. Cafe and shop in the same space. 10am-11pm.
Dzhonka Pushkinskaya 22 Tverskoy boulevard 7-495-2039420
Chinese and Japanese cuisines. Specialties include Chinese duck and Chinese egglplant. Quiet atmosphere. Noon – midnight.
Dzhun Go Mayakovskaya 24/2 Tverskaya Ul. 755 8403
Noon - midnight.
Dzhusto Tretyakovskaya 9 Bolshoi Tolmachevsky per. 937 3750, 953 6595
Upscale Japanese eatery. Sun-Thu noon – midnight, Fri & Sat noon – 2am.
E-95 Vodny Stadion 15/1 Kronshtadtsky boulevard 452 0950
Restaurant and tavern. European and Russian cuisine. Good quality and large portions with low cost. Average bill is $10-20 per person. Noon – midnight.
E-95 Aeroport 62 Leningradskiy Prospekt 152 4852
Noon - midnight.
Earl Orloff Shabolovskaya 2 2nd Verhny Mihaylovsky proezd 954 0740
Mixed cuisine. Sushi bar. More expensive ($50-90 per person). 11am – latest customer.

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