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Moscow restaurant guide


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Moscow restaurants listing (Russian restaurants)

Apollon Okhotny Ryad Manezhnaya Ploshchad’, Shopping Center Okhotny Ryad, 3rd floor 737 8322
Sports bar. Open 11am-10pm.
Aquarelle / Sushi-Bar Kiot Oktyabrskaya Krymsky val, 10 238 6625
Artistic interior, peaceful and thought-provoking ambiance. Exquisite dishes including asparagus baked in Holland sauce, grilled sea scallops in strawberry sauce, turnedo with beef cutlet in Foie-gras sauce with fried mushrooms; pastas and an array of desserts. European and Japanese cuisine. Noon – midnight.
Aragvi Mayakovskaya 6 Tverskaya St. 229 3762
Noon - midnight.
Ararat Park Hyatt Teatralnaya 4 Neglinnaya ul., Ararat Park Khayat Moskva Hotel, 10th floor 783 1234
Fine shashliks and ancient Moscow center as a view.
Arbat Smolenskaya 12 Plotnikov Per. 244 7641/31
Restaurant/bar open from 7am-midnight.
Arbatsky Kabachok Smolenskaya 25 Arbat St. 202 2013
Business lunch from 1-4pm for 110 rubles. Open from noon-last guest.
Argo Dubrovka 19 Melnikova St. 674 3501
Concert program every evening after 7pm.
Argument Kutuzovskaya 41 Kutuzovsky Prospekt 249 9955
European family-style restaurant with Karaoke bar. Noon – latest customer.
Aristocrat Chistiye Prudy Building 3, 37 Myasnitskaya St. 207 4212, 924 0702
Live music. Cigar menu. Business lunch from noon-4pm for 295 rubles. Open 10am-midnight.
Arkhitektor Krasnopresnenskaya 20 M. Nikitskaya St. 290 3249, 291 7738
Business lunch from 1-5pm for 150 rubles. Open Mon-Sat: noon-11pm.
Arlekino (Harlequin) Entertainment Center Krasnopresnenskaya 1, 15 Druzhinnikovskaya St. 363 9955
Aroma Oktyabrskoye Pole 12/2 Rogova St. 947 0024
Arsentyich Lubyanka 15 Bolshoi Cherkasskii Per. 927 0755
Thus-Sat: noon-5pm; Sun-Wed: noon-11pm.
Arshin Mal Alan Tyoply Stan Building 2, 152 A Profsoyuznaya Street 338 2611
Azerbaijani and mixed cuisine. Restaurant has its own music group that performs in the evenings. Good place for the family. 1pm – 1am.
Arshin Mal Alan Belyaevo 152/2 Profsoyuznaya St. 338 2611/2455
Billiards. Open 24 hours.
Art Chaikhona Pushkinskaya 11/13 Trehprudny Per. 299 1406
Business lunch 11am-4pm for 250 rubles. Noon - 11pm.
Art-club "Alabama" Teatralnaya 7 Stoleshnikov Per., Building 2 229 2412
Live music. Noon-midnight.
Artichoke Krasniye Vorota 2 Ryazansky Lane 632 2525
Inexpensive food (average dinner with wine is $20-25). Impressive artichoke dishes. Specialty business lunch. European food. 10am – midnight; Friday and Saturday until 5am.
Artifact Shchelkovskaya 11 Konstantina Fedina St. 995 4095
Reservations required. Open from 6am-6pm; closed on Mondays.
Artiko Yasenevo 6a 38th km of MKAD 422 4033, 427-7877
Live music after 7pm. Business lunch for 200 rubles. Sauna available. 10am-last guest.

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